Development Of Road Infrastructure Standard Underway – NITDA

The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) on Thursday said the process of developing a road and building infrastructure standards for the country was at top gear.
According to documents made available from NITDA in Abuja, the Director-General, Mr Peter Jack, said the infrastructure standards had been developed but awaits stakeholders review.
Jack said the aim of the road and building infrastructure standards was to improve on the National Information Infrastructure Backbone (NIIB) as contained in the IT policy to drive universal IT diffusion.
He said that the project was expected to drive the compliance and regulation of the NIIB as mandated in the NITDA Act.
‘’The objective is to ensure that roads constructed in Nigeria mandatorily carry service ducts for fibre optics to enhance IT networks and effectively implement network access mandate of the Agency.’’
Jack said that the project for the development of standards for IT in building construction would cover both the public and private buildings.
